Top 5 HR processes to be automated with RPA and BPA

The Human Resources field is one that can most benefit from process automation such as RPA an BPA for a couple of good reasons:
  • HR deals with the interaction of humans, which is the number one place to reduce costs through automation and digitization in general
  • Most HR processes are not extremely complex or long-running which makes them a good start to implement in robotic process automation or business process automation without high implementation costs
  • While HR is highly relevant and a huge cost factor it is more tolerant of changes and failures than other areas of an enterprise

Let's look at the Top 5 HR processes to be automated with RPA and BPA:

Travel Request RPA

Most companies have a process to request business travel. But in many cases, it is not clear and employees have to know with whom to talk to and when.

Holiday Request RPA

Similarly, a request for a holiday can benefit a lot from automation to provide the employee with faster response and involve everyone who might have something to say about the holiday

Budget Request RPA

Asking for money to spend is also nontrivial in reality. If an employee doesn't have a clear budget competence the decision-makers will usually have to involve several other people to find out if a budget should be approved or there is a better solution.

Employee Satisfaction Survey BPA

To find out how your team is doing requires regularity on the one hand and flexibility to react to what they say on the other hand. A perfect task to supported by RPA and BPA

Employee Onboarding BPA

Many companies have no digital implementation of the crucial process to onboard a new employee from paperwork over providing work material to introduction to the team and onboarding on workflows

The Human Resources field is one that can most benefit from process automation such as RPA an BPA for a couple of good reasons:

  • HR deals with the interaction of humans, which is the number one place to reduce costs through automation and digitization in general
  • Most HR processes are not extremely complex or long-running which makes them a good start to implement in robotic process automation or business process automation without high implementation costs
  • While HR is highly relevant and a huge cost factor it is more tolerant of changes and failures than other areas of an enterprise

As you can see human resources are an ideal battleground for automation with the huge potential to allow HR staff to concentrate on what they are good at: Humans

Learn more:

To learn more about how HR can benefit from RPA check our Human Resources page on

HR Department automation via RPA and Business Process management