If you are planning to fill the digital gaps in your company, whether by implementing a remote work tool or even migrating your whole operation to a more comprehensive BPM platform - capable of automating your everyday process - there’s always one question to have in mind:
The answer to that question relies exclusively on what are your enterprise needs, business model, and data-security requirements.
Either way, devoluteCLOUD offers the best solution to automate any business process on your enterprise: being a BPA system, based on a private cloud, or maybe a Robotic Process Automation tool to run within your on-premises infrastructure.
So let’s take a quick look at what differentiates these two solutions.
On-premises software is installed and will run exclusively on your company’s own servers (on the premises). That means you’ll retain full control over the data and access to your application, but at the expense of high costs regarding maintenance and security.
Other than management of server and data, on-premises software requires that the enterprise purchases a license or a copy of the software to use it. So, more money invested.
It is the most common option for companies in highly regulated industries that need extra security and privacy measures, like Healthcare, Banking, and Government agencies.
In a cloud-based option, all the infrastructure, maintenance, and security of the software and database is the responsibility of the provider, and your company only has to pay a fee to use it, like a service. That is why we called this solution a Software as a Service (SaaS).
It is way cheaper and helps you save money from operational costs and training of qualify personal to deal with the data, but it also comes with lower control over handling your data.
The difference between the two is simple: while one software runs in the cloud and is made available as a service, the other is deployed on the company's local servers and functions as a product.
Here is a deeper analysis comparison between them:
➜ Resources are deployed in-house
➜ The necessity to build an enterprise’s IT infrastructure
➜ Maintenance and all related processes are the responsibility of the enterprise.
➜ Resources are hosted on the premises of the service provider
➜ The enterprise has unlimited and full access to those resources
➜ Maintenance and all related processes are the responsibility of the service provider
➜ Energy consumption, storage, server hardware, and other ongoing costs are paid by the enterprise.
➜ Maintenance and upkeep costs are paid by the service provider
➜ The enterprise only pays for the used resources
➜ Flexible price rate to resource usage.
➜ All data is retained and controlled by the enterprise
➜ Greater responsibility for what happens to the database in case of crisis or errors
➜ Fewer senses of resources ownership, as data and encryption keys remain within the service provider
➜ Higher-risk of being unable to access the data in case of unexpected events or downtime in the service provider server.
➜ Higher security and privacy level than cloud-based solutions
➜ More relief on dealing with extra sensitive information
➜ Security concerns about cloud breaches, even with the integration of sophisticated Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions.
➜ Less concern for companies that operate under any form of regulatory control
➜ Easier to remain compliant with such regulations and acknowledge the data location at all times.
➜ Extra-effort from ensuring that service providers abide by compliance and regulations
➜ Concern regarding security and privacy of sensitive data from customers, partners, and employees
As you see above, at the end of the day what matters is what solution fits better for your upcoming enterprise’s goals and how much control and involvement of data you’ll need. But why should you even have to choose between them?
devoluteCLOUD offers cloud-based, on-premises, or your own personalized hybrid solution!
from AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, to your private server infrastructure;
We offer managed private cloud installation if you just want to have your own resources but you don't want to manage them;
devoluteCLOUD offers separation of services and a clean interface for an extension like FaaS (functions as a service), in case you want to use the cloud version and just keep individual data, databases, or certain logic and code on your own infrastructure.
Some of the solutions you'll get with devoluteCLOUD suite are: